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Legend: |
Furry Only |
Furry and Human |
Unlike Minerva features a different artist each week!
Orville is about a squirrel and his friends.
Mother Goose and Grimm is about an anthro mother goose, her cat, and her dog making jokes about pets.
Not In My Back Yard is about a bunch of pets sharing the same backyard.
Scoop Hamster is about 3 hampters with an attitude.
Bobo's Progress is about furries who work in an office situation.
Dragon Tails: a daily dose of minidragon adventures!
Urban Dragons is about dragons in the modern world.
Krazy Larry is about a bunch of mad scientists and krazy characters.
DeRaptor is a cool strip about cool birds and reptiles.
Mudpie a nice, child-friendly strip.
Mutts is about pets.
Fuzzy Things is all about furry kids and their adventures.
Boston and Shaun is about a human, his dragon, his wierd dreams, and furries all over the place.
Just Another Vice: a man and his furries...
Teename Mutant Ninja Turtles: the comic strip! This is the last remnant of them, and the only part that seems to have succeded. Not bad...
Everyone knows about this strip, does it really need a summary?
Buckles: A nice strip about a cute little doggie
Fluble: Strange. Wierd. Odd.
Heathcliff: small one panels comics.
Galapagos: unging seals, angry young birds, guru koalas, pessimist (ooh, sorry, REALIST) iguanas and a few other animals that Darwin musta figured no-one would ever believe live here.
Wildwood: a very spritual comic about faith.
Dex Lives: dragons, cats, and all around cuteness.
Element's Song
Fat Cats: House cats living their lives
Fred Bassett: the life of a pet bassett hound
Fred the Bird: life isn't easy when you're a bird.
Fur Antics: Furries just living their ordinary lives.
Get Fuzzy: a pet dog who can talk must help his master through the dregs of life
A Guy and his Monkey:
Milestown USA: furry kids living a fun life
Over the Hedge
Pearls before Swine: just plain SILLY
Todd and Penguin: a man and his pet penguin.
Jump to Semi-Dailies!
The Belfry has an enourmous list of furry comics, but without logos and descriptions.
If you know of any more, please let me know
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