You know you've been MUCKing too long when..........
By Big Bear (MUCKer with 2 1/2 years of experience under his belt)
- You run for mayor just for the ability to change the local currency
- Friends of yours don't die...they are "toaded"
- You search the telephone listings for a bar named "The Purple Nurple"
- you wonder why building an addition to your house/apartment/etc
requires more than 100 pennies.
- You try to build an addition to your house/apartment/etc using simple
@dig, @Desc here, and @open statements but to no avail.
- You stroll over to the west corner of your local park expecting to
find a friend or two but instead find only lowly HEW-mans.
- You wish you could @create a zombie of yourself that would handle all
the "mundane" things that you've gotta do (go to work, pay the bills,
etc) while the real you partys hardy.
- You're fat and rather plain looking but would give your eyeteeth for
the chance to @DESC yourself as lean and handsome (or beautiful) looking
- You meet someone in real life and insist that you get married on your
favorite MUCK.
- You know more about your best friend's online