Nalaholics Anonymous
Learning to Adapt
12 step cleansing and rehabilitation program:
1. Admit you have a problem.
2. Stop taking commissions for your stick
figure Nala 'art.'
3. Stop selling pre-drawn stick Nalas.
4. Stop drawing stick Nalas.
5. Take an art class that specializes in
6. Applogise to all of the Kiara fans that you
have insulted.
7. Pay the medical bills of the Vitani fans you
have insulted.
8. Unsend the flames that you sent to any and
all Zera fans.
9. Appologise publicly for any and all flame
wars you have started.
10. Learn how to discuss your opinion without
insulting others.
11. Write a 2 page report on Boojum the Brown
Bunny's FurryMUCK sayings and how they apply to step #10,
discussing your favorite 3. The report must be single spaced, 8
pt. font, 5 paragraph format (be sure to have at least 5
sentences in each paragraph), and is due Monday morning at the
beginning of class.
12. Realise that this is a problem that is ok
to have, as long as you respect the perogative of others not to
share your opinion.
-by Colm McSky (a Vitani-aholic, if you hadn't noticed)