Subject: Dumb Fur Jokes
From: (UsagiOni)
Date: Thu, Oct 8, 1998 23:04 EDT
Y'know, alot of people on this group like to call someone else
stupid, I know I
do, but even the one's I've insulted, they're not THAT bad...
I once knew a fur so dumb, his doctor told him he had ring-worms
and he asked
"Oh, is that Chester's cousin?"
I once knew a fur so dumb, everytime he had TS, he'd stick a
Clearblue Easy
into his keyboard slot.
I once knew a fur so dumb, he thought double-barreled was Omaha
with her top
I once knew a fur so dumb, I asked if she was a feminist and she
said "No, but
if you tell me the flag, I'll put it up."
by Gabriel
The "Shecky" Young Rabbit